>>All my tricks are only for educational purpose,please don't misuse it at others and at yours enimies too.
>>I request all my users to comment always.Your better commentment encourage me and gives the power to discover new tricks.So don't be a silent users.

Thursday 30 June 2011


i will explain you how to get
IP address of any
computer remotely. Using
some very basic tricks we
can find the IP address of
any remote computer and
then you can start your
further hacking into the
remote system like port
scanning and finding
vulnerabilities to enter in
to the system and hack it.
There are several methods
to get an IP address of the
victim but i will share few and specially the best one's
that can tell you IP address
in just few clicks and also
all are free methods and
special thing is about it is
all are manual methods
that means you did not
require any tool.
4 ways to get the IP

address of the Victim or

another Computer:

1. Using PHP notification
2. Using Blogs and Websites
3. Using Read Notify service
4. Sniffing during Gmail
yahoo chat sessions
As we are here to learn
concepts so i will first
explain what is an IP
address and what's its
importance. So friends
very basic question What is
an IP address? Why its
important for hackers and
security professionals?What is an IP address?

Basically IP address

Internet Protocol address)
is a unique numerical value
that is assigned to any
computer or printer on a
computer network that
uses an internet
protocol for
communication purpose.
Protocol is basically rules
( for Network its rules for
IP address serves for two
basic purposes:
1. Host or

interface identification
2. Location Addressing
For exploring more about
IP addressing read
wikipedia.How to Find IP address of

another computer?

1. Using PHP notification
Using this Notification
script you can get the IP
address in just seconds.
Steps of using this PHP

Download the PHP notify
script and extract files.
Download PHP notification
script FROM HERE.
b. Now you will get two files
IP.html and index.php . You
need to upload these two
files to any free
web hosting server.
Example: i used to upload
these two files. Create an
account there and upload
these two files there as
shown below.

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