>>All my tricks are only for educational purpose,please don't misuse it at others and at yours enimies too.
>>I request all my users to comment always.Your better commentment encourage me and gives the power to discover new tricks.So don't be a silent users.

Sunday, 4 September 2011


1>>Increase your RAM and so
system speed .
1) Start any application,
sayWord. Open some
large documents. .
2)PressCTRL+SHIFT+DEL to open
Task Manager and click
Processes tab and
sort the list in descending
on Mem
Usage. You will notice that
will be somewhere at the top,
using multiple
MBs of memory. .
3)Now switch to Word and
simply minimize
it. (Don't use theMinimize All
Windows option
of the task bar). .
4) Now go back to the
Windows Task
Manager and see where
listed. Most probably you will
not find it at the
top. You will typically have to
scroll to the
bottom of the list to find Word.
Now check
out the amount of RAM it is
using. Surprised?
The memory utilization has
reduced by a
huge amount. .
5)Minimize each application
that you are
currently not working on by
clicking on the
Minimize button & you can
increase the
amount of available RAM by a
margin. Depending upon the
number and type
of applications you use
together, the
difference can be as much as
50 percent of
extra RAM.

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