>>All my tricks are only for educational purpose,please don't misuse it at others and at yours enimies too.
>>I request all my users to comment always.Your better commentment encourage me and gives the power to discover new tricks.So don't be a silent users.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Hide Your Number And Call Anyone In The World

Today we are going to learn
how to hide your number or
appearing any CallerID you wish
and call anyone in the world.
This trick helps you to call
anyone in the world by hiding
your number or appearing any
CallerID you wish. Yes! in this
trick you can change your
CallerID you wish and call
Things you will need:
1.A mobile phone.
2. and a brain to follow the
steps correctly.
Step1: Go to
Step2: Select your country
Step3: Enter The number that
you want to appear on your
friends phone when he receives
the call.
Eg: 9999999999
Step4: Enter The number of the
friend you want to fool or
prank.Eg: 9014567335
Step5: If you want you can
change your voice to low,
normal, High pitch.
Step6: Now click the button
Step7: You will get a phone
number and a code as shown
Step8: Now call to the number
which you got from your mobile
phone and you will ask to enter
the code. Enter the code and
after 2 seconds it will connect
to the friend you want to fool
or prank.
That's It Enjoy calling
Note: At present this service
charges Rs.10 per minute. So
keep this in mind and call .
My experience with Crazy
Call: I have enjoyed this service
by fooling my friends and took
revenge on my ex girl friends.


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